Saying goodbye to a SCOTUSblog stalwart

on Jul 10, 2021 at 6:04 pm

This week we said thank you and farewell to Kalvis Golde, who for the past two years was SCOTUSblog’s magnificent blog manager.
Kal helped plan and implement everything you see on SCOTUSblog. He worked with authors for case coverage and symposia. He tracked court statistics and designed graphics to convey the data in visually compelling ways. He managed our website and organized our live blogs. He was a jack-of-all-trades who mastered them all.
But Kal’s imprint on SCOTUSblog runs deeper than his day-to-day duties. He also took on a number of ambitious long-term projects. He helped develop the monthly Courtroom Access series we published last year. Along with Katie Bart, he spearheaded the redesign of our website. He overhauled our Stat Pack for the 2020-21 term. And along the way, he provided sharp news coverage of congressional hearings on the Supreme Court.
Kal was a joy to work with, and we’re sorry to see him go. SCOTUSblog will remain in good hands, however. Angie Gou, our deputy blog manager, is taking on an increased role, and we are hiring for the blog manager position.
Thank you and good luck, Kal!