Thursday round-up

Yesterday the court heard two hours of oral argument. The first hour featured Lee v. Tam, a First Amendment challenge to a government refusal to trademark a disparaging name. Amy Howe analyzes the argument for this blog. Also covering the oral argument in Lee v. Tam are Mark Walsh at Education Week, Daniel Fisher at Forbes, Tony Mauro at (subscription or registration required), and Robert Barnes at The Washington Post, who reports that a “majority of the Supreme Court seemed highly skeptical” “that the federal government can refuse to register all trademarks that may be disparaging, casting this as the government improperly taking sides in free speech disputes.” Commentary on the argument comes from Erica Goldberg at In a Crowded Theater and Ruthann Robson at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog. Additional coverage of the case comes from Maggie Baldridge at Constitution Daily.

In the second hour of argument, the court considered Ziglar v. Abassi (consolidated with Ashcroft v. Abassi and Hasty v. Abassi), a suit against former high-ranking federal officials stemming from detentions of Middle Eastern men in the wake of the September 11 attacks. Amy Howe has an argument analysis for this blog. Coverage of the case comes from Richard Wolf in USA Today, who reports that “the decision for the six justices remains a preliminary one: whether the Muslim immigrants’ case should be dismissed outright.” In The Atlantic, Garrett Epps argues that the case, along with Jennings v. Rodriguez, another immigrant-detention case argued earlier this term, is particularly significant in light of “the vast scale of what the new administration proposes to do in the immigration area.”

The court also issued a decision yesterday in Lightfoot v. Cendant Mortgage Corporation, holding unanimously, in an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, that Fannie Mae’s charter does not create federal jurisdiction in all cases to which the federal entity is a party. Ronald Mann analyzes the opinion for this blog.

On Tuesday, the court heard oral argument in Lynch v. Dimaya, a void-for-vagueness challenge to an immigrant-removal statute. Kevin Johnson analyzes the argument for this blog. Tuesday’s argument agenda also included Midland Funding v. Johnson, which asks whether the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act applies to stale claims filed by debt-buyers in bankruptcy court. Ronald Mann has this blog’s argument analysis. Another look at the argument comes from Daniel Fisher in Forbes, who concludes that “it looks like the bill collectors will continue to be able to press their claims in bankruptcy court without fear of being clobbered with an FDCPA claim.”


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