Monday round-up

On Friday afternoon, the justices added four cases to their merits docket, including Seila Law v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a constitutional challenge to the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Amy Howe covers the grants for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court. At Bloomberg, Greg Stohr reports that in Seila Law, the court “agreed to consider giving the president broad power to replace the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, accepting a case that could curb the independence of the watchdog agency tasked with regulating mortgages and credit cards.” Yuka Hayashi and Brent Kendall report for The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that “[t]he high court’s eventual decision could have implications for other government agencies.”

For USA Today, Richard Wolf reports that Department of Homeland Security v. Thuraissigiam, in which the court will decide whether limitations on review of expedited deportation orders are constitutional, “is one of several challenging the Trump administration’s efforts to crack down on migrants seeking asylum after crossing the Mexican border.” Kimberly Robinson reports at Bloomberg Law that in another immigration case, Nasrallah v. Barr, the justices will resolve a split between the lower courts “over whether courts can review factual findings underlying a government refusal to halt the deportation of immigrants convicted of a crime but who argue that they will face persecution or even torture if sent back to their home countries.”


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