Monday round-up

on May 1, 2017 at 7:10 am
Last week, the court heard oral argument in Amgen Inc. v. Sandoz Inc., a complex case involving rules for the licensing of biosimilars. John Duffy analyzes the argument for this blog. Additional coverage comes from Christine Ayala at The Hill, who reports that the court “weighed two key issues that could reshape the rules and timeline for creating cheaper versions of drugs known as biologics, which offer the potential to help curb drug costs.”
In USA Today, Richard Wolf looks at Justice Neil Gorsuch’s first two weeks on the bench, reporting that Gorsuch “comes as advertised,” and that “[t]wice in two weeks, the new justice’s devotion to texts and definitions appeared to rub up against his predecessor as junior justice, Elena Kagan.” In The Wall Street Journal, Brent Kendall and Jess Bravin report that Gorsuch’s “energetic yet sometimes hasty assertiveness in his early days on the bench” offers “clues about how he may interact with colleagues and lawyers—and how he will approach cases”; they observe that “remarks from conservatives and liberals alike suggested that the old guard suspects the rookie still has much to learn.”
In The Hill, Lydia Wheeler reports that in remarks last week at Georgetown University, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “offered a tacit criticism … of the recent confirmation process of Justice Neil Gorsuch” when Ginsburg “described a ‘collegial’ atmosphere surrounding her Senate confirmation in 1993, before wistfully noting the process surrounding Gorusch’s nomination was not the same.” In The Huffington Post, Jenna Amatulli reports that at the event, Ginsburg “was equipped with the most fitting accessory: a tote with her own face on it.”
- Fix the Court urges the Supreme Court “to resume a pro-transparency practice halted more than 100 years ago in which the justices would publicly explain their recusals.”
- In an op-ed for The Detroit News, Maureen Feighan notes that as much as the court’s ruling this term in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District “is a victory for special needs children and their parents, it’s only the first step,” because it will “be up to parents to enforce it,” and “that means filing complaints if districts are still just doing the bare minimum.”
- In the Texas Observer, Sophie Novack reports that nearly “one year after the U.S. Supreme Court struck two major provisions from Texas’ sweeping anti-abortion law, the clinic at the center of the case is emerging from what its staff call the ‘Age of Uncertainty,’” and that “Whole Woman’s Health will reopen its Austin clinic to patients this week for the first time in three years.”
- According to Stephen Dinan in The Washington Times, President Donald Trump said in an interview this weekend that he “will stick with the same list of potential nominees for the next Supreme Court vacancy.”
- In the Daily Bruin, Laurel Scott talks to students in the UCLA School of Law’s Supreme Court clinic who worked with law professor Stuart Banner on the briefing and argument in Nelson v. Colorado, in which the court recently “issued a 7-1 decision in favor of the argument Banner had presented on a case involving court fees in Colorado.”
Remember, we rely exclusively on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]