Thursday round-up

At Bloomberg Law (subscription or registration required), Mark Gurman reports that “Apple Inc. executives Tim Cook and Deirdre O’Brien waded into the battle over Dreamers, filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.” At Axios, Mike Allen and others report that “[t]he brief is a passionate defense of the Dreamers, or those protected from deportation by an order established during the Obama administration, which the Trump administration wants to end.” Rafael Bernal reports at The Hill that “[a]n alliance of immigrant rights organizations on Wednesday launched a national campaign to showcase the benefits of the … program ahead of a Nov. 12 Supreme Court hearing on its termination.”

At Public Discourse, Ryan Anderson argues that in three upcoming cases about whether federal law protects employees from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, “[m]uch of what the activists claim is ‘discrimination’ is simply disagreement about human sexuality, where acting based on true beliefs about human sexuality is re-described as discriminatory.” At Lambda Legal, Jennifer Pizer and Karen Loewy maintain that “[i]f the Court reads Title VII logically and confirms it protects LGBTQ workers, it will confirm resoundingly that anti-LGBTQ bias is wrong,” a “statement [that] would be hugely influential.” Additional commentary comes from John Bursch at the Acton Institute and Ian Millhiser at Vox (via How Appealing).


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