Tuesday round-up

on Jan 8, 2013 at 9:42 am
Yesterday the Court issued additional orders from its January 4 Conference, and coverage of the Court focused on the denial of review in several notable cases. Writing for this blog, Lyle discusses the Court’s announcement that it would not hear Sherley v. Sebelius, a lawsuit seeking to prohibit stem cell research; Trinidad y Garcia v. Thomas, an extradition case involving application of the Court’s decision in Munaf v. Geren; Nordyke v. King, a California gun rights case; or The Real Truth About Abortion, Inc. v. FEC, a case challenging FEC disclosure laws relating to political action committees. Other coverage of these cases comes from Terry Baynes and Jonathan Stempel of Reuters, David Savage of the Los Angeles Times, and M. Alex Johnson of NBC News. UPI reports on the Court’s denial of review in GeorgiaCarry.org v. Georgia, a challenge to Georgia’s ban on carrying guns into churches. The Associated Press reports on the Court’s denial of review in Hall v. Sebelius, a case involving whether Social Security recipients have the right to reject Medicare benefits.
Other coverage previewed today’s oral arguments. At this blog, Jonathan Macey previews Gabelli v. SEC, in which the Court will consider how to interpret an important federal statute of limitations in fraud cases. Additional coverage comes from Sarah Lynch and Jonathan Stempel of Reuters. Also at this blog, Ronald Mann previews Delia v. E.M.A., which he characterizes as presenting a “straightforward dispute about federal preemption in the Medicaid context.” Michael Doyle of McClatchy also reports on the case.
- As Lyle reports for this blog, yesterday the Court released the oral argument schedule for the March sitting, which will include arguments in the same-sex marriage cases. The Court will hear Hollingsworth v. Perry, the California Proposition 8 case, on March 26, and United States v. Windsor, involving a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, on March 27.
- Lyle also previews Missouri v. McNeely, which is scheduled for oral argument tomorrow; in that case, the Court will consider whether police need a court order to obtain a blood sample from an individual suspected of drunk driving.
- The Blog of Legal Times reports that William K. Suter, the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, will be retiring at the end of this term after twenty-two years of service.
- Matt Laslo of WAMU reports that Representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia has introduced legislation that would allow cameras into the Court.
- At Bloomberg View, Cass Sunstein discusses whether or under what circumstances the political leanings of the Justices and federal judges are reflected in their decisions.
- At The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin previews the upcoming challenge to the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder and argues that “it would be a sad irony if the Supreme Court struck down the Voting Rights Act because it regulates too much in too many places, when the truth is that it regulates too little in too few.”
- Michael Doyle of McClatchy reports that the Court issued a brief ruling on Monday directing a California appellate court to reconsider Bradley Blackwell’s sentence of life without parole for murder committed when he was seventeen years old in light of the Court’s decision in Graham v. Florida, holding that mandatory sentences of life without parole for juveniles convicted of homicide are unconstitutional.