Tuesday round-up

on Sep 14, 2010 at 11:18 am
Justice Breyer has been speaking on his new book, Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View, which (as James noted in yesterday’s round-up) is scheduled for release today. During a speech at the National Archives, the Associated Press reports, the Justice rejected public perceptions that the Court is made up of “nine junior varsity politicians.†On ABC’s Good Morning America, Justice Breyer explained that because, “for better or for worse, people get lots of their information visually,†he planned to attend future State of the Union addresses “even if I’m the only one.†Breyer also discussed Bush v. Gore and cameras in the courtroom with Brian Williams on the NBC Nightly News.
- The Cardozo Law Review has published an online symposium with articles discussing Snyder v. Phelps, the funeral protest case that will be argued at the beginning of October. (Thanks to the Volokh Conspiracy for the link.)
- As the debate over televising Supreme Court proceedings continues, today the United States Judicial Conference will vote on whether to authorize a pilot project for recording some district court civil cases, USA Today reports.
- The ABA offers the all-new U.S. Supreme Court Coloring and Activity Book in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Though this issue features Sonia Sotomayor, there’s “no word yet†about a future edition including Elena Kagan.