The morning read for Wednesday, Oct. 19

on Oct 19, 2022 at 9:53 am

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at roundup@scotusblog.com.
Here’s the Wednesday morning read:
- US Supreme Court’s Decision Not To Hear American Samoa Citizenship Case Gets Mixed Reaction (Anita Hofschneider, Honolulu Civil Beat)
- RBS ex-banker takes whistleblower award fight to U.S. Supreme Court (Sinead Cruise, Reuters)
- Supreme Court affirmative action cases spark heated debate over meaning of Brown v. Board (John Fritze, USA Today)
- The Supreme Court’s self-conscious take on Andy Warhol (Jeannie Suk Gersen, The New Yorker)
- U.S. Supreme Court anti-discrimination ruling means the end of Washington state’s notorious Blaine Amendment (Live Finne, The Spokesman-Review)