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Friday round-up

After a winter recess, the justices meet Friday for a private conference at which they will consider cert petitions asking them to take up new cases this term. Numerous high-profile cases are slated for consideration.

Some are petitions that the justices have considered at prior conferences and are continuing to review (a status indicating that the court is seriously thinking about taking up the case). These relists include petitions about sentencing reform for crimes involving crack cocaine, unequal treatment of Puerto Rico in a federal safety-net program, and President Donald Trump’s practice of blocking his critics on Twitter. Other petitions are scheduled for consideration at Friday’s conference for the first time. Some of the notable ones include petitions about Trump and the emoluments clause, a Mississippi law that bans nearly all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a federal regulation that bars certain family-planning programs from providing abortion referrals, a federal regulation that toughens the assessment of whether legal immigrants are likely to depend on government assistance, and the death penalty for one of the Boston Marathon bombers. For a list of all the petitions we’re watching, click here.

Here’s a round-up of Supreme Court-related news and commentary from around the web:

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Recommended Citation: James Romoser, Friday round-up, SCOTUSblog (Jan. 8, 2021, 9:40 AM),