Thursday round-up

Richard Wolf reports for USA Today that “[a] federal judge in New York refused Wednesday to let a late challenge to the Trump administration’s planned 2020 census question on citizenship interfere with the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision.” At Take Care, Leah Litman writes that “[t]he recent revelation that a long-time Republican redistricting specialist played a hand in the Trump administration’s addition of the citizenship question … has clear implications for Department of Commerce v. New York, the Supreme Court case challenging the addition of the citizenship question,” as well as “for another, equally important Supreme Court case—Rucho v. Common Cause, which will determine whether federal courts can hear partisan gerrymandering claims.” Also at Take Care, Joel Dodge points to “worrying signs that the current Court is ready to swallow bad-faith justifications” for facially neutral government actions like the addition of the citizenship question. In an op-ed for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse wonders “[w]hy [it] is … assumed on the right that Chief Justice Roberts is the only conservative on the court who has its welfare in view and who worries about the loss of public confidence if the justices come to be seen as mere politicians in robes.”


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