Monday round-up

At Bloomberg, Greg Stohr reports that “[t]he U.S. Supreme Court enters the homestretch of its term with looming decisions that could affect the 2020 election and thrust the court even deeper into the nation’s political wars,” and he highlights the cases that “will be atop the court’s agenda this month.” Ariane de Vogue reports for CNN that “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned on Friday that the court is likely to be sharply divided in the coming weeks over some of the ‘most watched’ cases that remain — perhaps even giving a clue to how justices will rule on the fight over the 2020 census.” Adam Liptak suggests for The New York Times that “[t]here was little in [Ginsburg’s] remarks to hearten liberals.” At her eponymous blog, Amy Howe reads the tea leaves to predict which justices may be writing which majority opinions in some of the court’s outstanding cases.


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