Thursday round-up

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, in which the court ruled Monday in favor of a Christian baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, stays front and center. For The New York Times, Julie Turkewitz reports that a Colorado celebration for “the cake baker’s fans, … [t]here were balloons and Bible verses, and also misgivings: In a nation that has moved so far in the direction of gay rights in recent years, it wasn’t clear if Mr. Phillips’s victory would mean much for long.” At the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, John Sides questions a law professor about the “political impact” of the decision.

At First Things, Hadley Arkes maintains that after Masterpiece, “[t]he local authorities will still be able to force Catholic institutions out of business if they will not place children for adoption with same-sex couples, or cover those couples in their medical insurance”; “[t]hey will just have to be nice while they’re doing it.” Linda Greenhouse worries in an op-ed for The New York Times that “the Supreme Court has imposed a regime of constitutional political correctness on how we talk about religion.” In an op-ed for The Guardian, Joshua Matz highlights “three features of [Justice Anthony] Kennedy’s opinion that should be celebrated by progressives and members of the LGBTQ community.” Additional commentary comes from Kristin Waggoner in an op-ed for The Washington Post, Chris Potts in an op-ed for CNS News, and James Gottry in an op-ed at The Daily Wire, who maintains that the court “left itself ample room, in future cases, to protect the constitutional freedoms of all Americans.”


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