Monday round-up

On Friday the Supreme Court received a request from Republican legislators in Pennsylvania to temporarily block a ruling by the state’s supreme court invalidating the state’s federal congressional map. Amy Howe has this blog’s coverage; her post first appeared at Howe on the Court. Additional coverage comes from Steven Mazie for The Economist’s Democracy in America blog.

Jess Bravin of the Wall Street Journal reports that on Thursday the Supreme Court “stopped Alabama from executing an inmate sentenced to die by a judge who overrode a jury finding that life imprisonment was the appropriate punishment.” Additional coverage comes from BBC; commentary comes from the Equal Justice Initiative blog.

At Jost on Justice, Ken Jost argues that Justice Neil Gorsuch’s “two dissents so far in argued cases —  in Perry and now in Artis — have both sought to impose his narrow construction of federal statutes in a way to disadvantage workers challenging adverse personnel actions.” Richard Wolf of USA Today reports that the nation’s “powerful public employee unions stand to lose membership, money and political muscle at the hands of the Supreme Court this year. The only question appears to be how much.”


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