Monday round-up

More coverage relating to last week’s order blocking a federal district court’s ruling that would have required a Virginia school board to allow a transgender student who identifies as a boy to use the boys’ restroom while the dispute is being litigated comes from Lisa Keen at Keen News Service.  Commentary comes from Margaret Drew, who at the Human Rights at Home Blog suggests that, if the Court ultimately grants review, the case “will test the limits of Justice Kennedy’s empathy toward the sexually diverse.”  And in his column for The Atlantic, Garrett Epps is mostly critical of the “courtesy” vote cast by Justice Stephen Breyer to give the school board its fifth vote for a stay:  Epps writes that although he understands “the humane impulse behind Breyer’s vote,” he “would feel better about it . . . if his opinion showed any trace of awareness that his urbane gesture to placate his powerful colleagues had come at the expense of a vulnerable boy.”

In The Washington Post, Rachel Weiner reports that a “federal appeals court has signaled that it agrees that former Virginia first lady Maureen McDonnell’s corruption convictions should be tossed out because of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that overturned her husband’s convictions.”  Lyle Denniston has more coverage of these developments for his own blog.

Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed and Rick Hasen of Election Law Blog report that, in the wake of the Fourth Circuit’s denial of a request by North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory to put on hold its ruling striking down the state’s voting restrictions, the state has announced that it ask the Supreme Court to step in – possibly as soon as this week.  In commentary at The Guardian, Scott Lemieux weighs in on recent voting rights developments; he suggests that “egregious overreach by Republican legislators desperate to preserve their hold on power in the face of increasingly unfavorable demographics” “may well cost them a particularly important vote on the high court: that of its lone moderate conservative, Anthony Kennedy.”


Remember, we rely exclusively on our readers to send us links for our round-up.  If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]

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