Wednesday round-up

on Oct 28, 2015 at 8:17 am
- In The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Marcia Coyle reports on recent comments by Justice Anthony Kennedy at Harvard Law School, noting that the Justice “may have revealed a source of his concern and dislike of solitary confinement.”
- At Constitution Daily, Jeffrey Shulman looks back at Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in the same-sex marriage cases, arguing that “we should be paying attention to its revolutionary use of legal citation.”
- In the Oxonian Review, Ryan Azad reviews Sisters in Law, Linda Hirshman’s book on Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
- ImmigrationProf Blog previews next week’s oral argument in Torres v. Lynch, noting that the case presents “an important practical issue under the U.S. immigration laws.”
- Adam Liptak of The New York Times reports on the dispute between the Illinois attorney general and governor, describing it as “just one salvo in the white-hot war over the fate of public unions, which hangs in the balance.”
- At LAWnLinguistics, Neal Goldfarb previews Lockhart v. United States from a linguistic perspective, arguing that the case “presents about as stark a clash between opposing canons as you could ever hope to find.”
- In a post at Dubitante, Justin Sadowsky looks ahead to next week’s oral arguments in Spokeo v. Robins “make two points about why a pro-Spokeo ruling here, if applied consistently to the text of Article III, would be revolutionary in its breadth, and also why such a ruling will create dual sovereignty problems.”
- In a second post at Dubitante, Sadowsky discusses the petition in “an important prescription drug patent case involving similar issues, Mylan Pharmaceuticals vs. Apotex,” that “involves a curiousness in the way generic drugs are regulated.”
- The Citizens Guide to the Supreme Court previews Heffernan v. City of Paterson, describing it as a case “about whether the Government can discipline you at work when they think you are engaged in free speech, but you argue that you are not.”
If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, or op-ed relating to the Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at]