Wednesday round-up

on Apr 16, 2014 at 7:32 am
- At, Damon Root responds to the argument by retired Justice John Paul Stevens, made in his new book, that the Second Amendment should be rewritten to provide that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms when serving in the Militia shall not be infringed.” Root argues that, although “Stevens would rewrite the Constitution in order to give lawmakers free rein to enact prohibitory gun control measures,” “the whole point of the Bill of Rights is to place certain liberties beyond the reach of lawmakers. That means the judiciary often has no choice but to ‘curtain the legislative power’ and strike down overreaching statutes.”
- In USA Today, Richard Wolf previews next week’s oral argument in Republic of Argentina v. NML Capital, in which the Court will consider the extent to which Argentina’s creditors can go after the country’s assets to compensate them for Argentina’s default on bonds that it issued.
- At the Legal History Blog, Dan Ernst discusses the list of docket books released by the Court’s Office of the Curator, as well as the rules governing public access to those books.
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