Friday round-up

on Aug 2, 2013 at 10:59 am
Yesterday’s coverage of the Court continues its retrospective focus on last Term’s cases and also looks ahead to next Term’s cases.
At this blog, Lyle Denniston reports on the most recent developments in the case of Baby Veronica, the child at the center of the custody dispute in this Term’s Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl: a family court in South Carolina has approved the child’s adoption. At the Tulsa (Okla.) World, Jarrel Wade also reports on the South Carolina adoption proceedings.
Elsewhere, at the Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC), David H. Gans responds to a recent post by Brad Smith at the Center for Competitive Politics on whether a recent amicus brief filed by the CAC on behalf of Lawrence Lessig in next Term’s McCutcheon v. FEC can be considered “originalist.”
- This blog’s SCOTUSblog on camera feature continues with the fourth of a four-part interview with Geoffrey Stone. Parts one, two, and three of the interviews with Stone are also available at this blog.
- At Mother Jones, Stephanie Mencimer reports that several Democratic members of Congress plan to introduce legislation that “would force the high court to adopt an ethics code much like the one that binds lower court judges.”