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More Liveblogging of Alito Hearings

11:05 Committee to take a fifteen-minute break; will reconvene at 11:20. MSNBC says Senator Kennedy will be next questioner, so questions are likely to get more interesting.

11:04 Judge Alito: Judges have limited authority of review. It’s important to stay within the bounds of authority that Congress gives us.

11:04 Senator Hatch: Could you explain how judges address issues differently than advocates?

11:03 Judge Alito says the Court should rule on statutory grounds if possible so that Congress can correct it as needed. He thinks that judges shouldn’t try to do too much.

11:02 Senator Hatch: Let’s talk about your past opinions. Should Supreme Court follow this imperative to avoid constitutional decisions?

11:01 Judge Alito: Supreme Court is limited by stare decisis.

11:00 Senator Hatch. As an appeals court judge, you’re limited also by Supreme Court precedent. Does principle of limited power apply to Supreme Court also, and what happens when there is no precedent?