Tuesday round-up

on Mar 11, 2014 at 8:50 am
Yesterday the Court issued one decision, ruling for the landowner in Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States. In an opinion by the Chief Justice, the Court held that land exchanged with or transferred to the owners of private property under an 1875 law once again became their property when the railroad that ran across the property has been abandoned. Lyle Denniston reported on the decision for this blog; other coverage and commentary come from Jeremy P. Jacobs for Greenwire, Daniel Fisher of Forbes, and Trevor Burrus at Cato at Liberty.
The Court also issued orders from last week’s Conference, granting review in one new case and calling for the views of the Solicitor General in two more. Lyle Denniston covered the order list for this blog. Other coverage of yesterday’s orders focused on cases in which the Court denied review: writing for Education Week, Mark Walsh reported on the denial of a petition filed by a Pennsylvania school district, which was seeking review of a lower court’s decision allowing students to wear breast-cancer awareness bracelets bearing the message “I [heart] Boobies,” while Robert Barnes of The Washington Post covers the Court’s decision not to weigh in on a property dispute between the Episcopal Church and a breakaway congregation.