Wednesday round-up

on Jul 10, 2013 at 8:44 am
Coverage continues of the Court’s decisions in United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry, in which the Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act and declined to hear a challenge to California’s ban on same-sex marriage. At the New York Law Journal, Tony Mauro suggests that Justice Anthony Kennedy’s role as the author of the Court’s opinion in Windsor secured his “place in history” as “the court’s strongest champion of gay rights.” At BuzzFeed Politics, Chris Geidner discusses a lawsuit filed by the ACLU in Pennsylvania, challenging that state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
- At this blog, Tom Goldstein provides a “plain English” summary of this past Term’s rulings on same-sex marriage, affirmative action (in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin), and voting rights (in Shelby County v. Holder).
- Also at this blog, Ronald Collins studies the record of the Roberts Court on First Amendment rulings and looks forward to upcoming free expression cases next Term.
- In another post for this blog, Tom Goldstein and Dan Stein discuss the careers of Supreme Court advocates nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
- In The Post and Courier of Charleston, S.C., Andrew Knapp reports on continuing developments in the adoption of Baby Veronica in the aftermath of last Term’s ruling in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl.
- At the Cato Institute, Trevor Burrus argues that the Federal Circuit erred in ruling that claims under the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause can expire under the “Notice Rule.” Cato, along with two other groups, filed an amicus brief to that effect in support of the petition in Mehaffy v. United States.
- And at JURIST, Jaclyn Belczyk reports on the emergency petition filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center challenging the NSA’s global surveillance program. (Lyle covered that filing here.)
Disclosures: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys work for or contribute to this blog in various capacities, represented the American Association of Law Schools as an amicus in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin and were among the counsel to Representative F. James Sensenbrenner et al., who filed an amicus brief in support of the respondents in Shelby County v. Holder. The firm’s Tejinder Singh was among the counsel on an amicus brief filed by international human rights advocates in support of the respondents in Hollingsworth v. Perry; the firm’s Kevin Russell was among the counsel on an amicus brief filed by former senators in support of Edith Windsor in United States v. Windsor.