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Menu of today’s coverage: March 28, 2012


UPDATED  at 7:13 Lyle’s completed Medicaid argument recap is here.

NEW at 6:37 SCOTUSblog’s highlights from the oral argument audio are here.

The transcript of the Medicaid oral argument is here. The audio is here.

Tom’s update from the end of the Medicaid argument is here.

Tom’s second update from the oral argument is here.

Tom’s initial reactions to the first half of the argument are here.

Updated at 6:10 Our ongoing round-up of coverage of today’s arguments is here.  Our morning round-up is here.


UPDATED at 5:32 Lyle’s  completed severability argument recap is here.

NEW at 6:55 Amy’s “Plain English” recap of the severability argument is here.

NEW at 5:41 Kevin’s further analysis of the severability argument is here.

SCOTUSblog has posted the highlights from the argument audio.

The argument audio is here. The transcript is here.

Tom’s initial report on the whole argument is here.

Amy’s initial report on the first two-thirds of the severability argument is here.

Kevin’s initial report on the first half of the severability argument is here.


Details on this morning’s three opinions are here.

Recommended Citation: Kali Borkoski, Menu of today’s coverage: March 28, 2012, SCOTUSblog (Mar. 28, 2012, 6:57 PM),