This week at the Court

The Week of September 6, 2010

In this section of SCOTUSblog, we will provide information on the cases argued and decided during the current week, as well as the petitions that are up for consideration and granted that week.  But for the next three weeks, no cases will be  argued or decided, and no petitions will be considered, because the Court is in recess.

The next significant action of the Justices will be to meet in Conference to consider pending cert. petitions on Monday, September 27.  This is the so-called “Long” or “Summer” Conference.  We will publish our “Petitions to Watch” list for that Conference roughly ten days ahead of time.

The orders granting certiorari from that Conference likely will be issued at 10 a.m. (all times are Eastern) on Wednesday, September 29.  Orders denying certiorari will be released at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 4.

Posted in: This Week at the Court