This week on the Wiki

on Jun 26, 2010 at 10:12 am
The Court handed down opinions on both Monday and Thursday of this week, and as a result, we have updated our sister site, SCOTUSwiki, to include new opinion-related links and coverage. The SCOTUSwiki pages for the cases decided Monday (Monsanto Co. v. Geerston Seed Farms, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha v. Regal-Beloit Corp., Rent-A-Center, West v. Jackson, and Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project) have all been updated to include links to the Court’s opinions. We have also added opinion recaps by Howe & Russell’s Amy Howe and Akin Gump’s Laurie Williams to the case page for Monsanto, and a recap by Howe & Russell’s Kevin Russell to the case page for Kawasaki. In addition, the case page for Rent-A-Center now includes a recap by Kevin Russell, and we have updated the case page for Humanitarian Law Project to include commentary by Lyle Denniston of SCOTUSblog.
Meanwhile, we have updated a number of case pages to reflect the seven opinions handed down Thursday morning. The case pages for the three “honest services†cases – Skilling v. United States, Black v. United States, and Weyhrauch v. United States – have been updated to include links to the Court’s rulings, as well as commentary by Lyle Denniston. To the case page for Doe v. Reed, we have added a link to the opinion and commentary by SCOTUSblog’s Tom Goldstein, and we have updated the case page for Magwood v. Patterson to include the opinion and recaps by Kevin Russell and SCOTUSblog’s Matthew Scarola.  We have also updated the case page for Morrison v. National Australia Bank to include an opinion link and analysis by Lyle Denniston, while the case page for Granite Rock Co. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters now includes the opinion and a short recap by Howe & Russell’s Amy Howe.
In addition, we have also created new case pages for the cases in which the Court granted certiorari on Monday: Chase Bank USA v. McCoy, Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy v. Reinhard, and Walker v. Martin can all now be found on SCOTUSwiki. We have also updated the page for one case decided last week – Stop the Beach Renourishment v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection – to include analysis by Elisabeth Oppenheimer, a recent graduate of Stanford Law School.
Also this week, we have updated our StatPack wiki page to include the latest StatPack published on the blog, and have also added newly filed briefs to several case pages. The case page for Michigan v. Bryant now includes links to new amicus briefs, and the petitioner’s brief has been added to the case page for Ortiz v. Jordan. The petitioner’s brief and several amicus briefs have been added to the Kasten v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics page, and we have added petitioners’ briefs to the case pages for Ransom v. MBNA, American Bank and Flores-Villar v. United States.
As we do every week, we have continued to update our archive of media coverage of the Kagan nomination, as well as individual case pages, to reflect ongoing media and blogosphere reporting and commentary on developments concerning the Court.