This week on the Wiki

on May 23, 2010 at 10:24 am
Following up on Monday’s opinions, we have updated our sister site, SCOTUSwiki, to include new content on the pages of two recently decided cases. To the case page for United States v. Comstock, decided on Monday morning, we have added an opinion recap by Stanford Law School’s Eric Hansford, while the case page for Abbott v. Abbott, also decided Monday, now includes an opinion recap by Josh Friedman of Akin Gump. (The case pages for the other two cases decided Monday – Graham v. Florida and Sullivan v. Florida – were updated with opinion commentary on Monday afternoon.)
In addition, we have added links to new merits briefs to the case pages for two cases scheduled for argument next Term. The case page for NASA v. Nelson now includes a link to the petitioners’ brief, while the case page for Harrington v. Richter has been updated to include links to two new amicus briefs.
As Erin announced yesterday, we have created a new wiki page with links to relevant media and blogosphere coverage of the Kagan nomination. The page, which will be updated daily, is here.
As always, we have continued to update individual case pages to include links to relevant media and blogosphere coverage. This week, not surprisingly, the four cases decided Monday – Graham, Sullivan, Comstock, and Abbott – seem to have received the most coverage.