Senators Cornyn and Hatch to vote against Sotomayor

Two more Republican Senate Judiciary committee members announced today their intentions to vote “nay” on Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Sen. John Cornyn’s floor statement is here and Sen. Orrin Hatch’s floor statement is here.

Sen. Cornyn, Tex., said: “I will vote against confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. I will vote with the certain knowledge that she will be confirmed despite my vote. I wish her well. I congratulate her on her historic achievement. I know she will be an inspiration to young people – within the Hispanic community and beyond.”

Sen. Hatch, Utah, said: “After thoroughly reviewing Judge Sotomayor’s record and being able to hear her testimony and responses during the hearing process, I reluctantly, and with a heavy heart, have found that I cannot support her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. In truth, I wish President Obama had chosen a Hispanic nominee that all Senators could support. I believe it would have done a great deal for our great country. Although Judge Sotomayor has a compelling life story and dedication to public service, her statements and record were too much at odds with the principles about the judiciary in which I deeply believe.”

Sen. Hatch voted for Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation to the Second Circuit in 1998.

Ranking Minority member Sen. Jeff Sessions, Ala., has not expressed how he intends to vote nor have Republican Senators Charles Grassley, Iowa, and Tom Coburn, Okla.  Sen. Lindsey Graham, S.C., is the only Republican member of the Judiciary committee to say that he will vote for Judge Sotomayor.

A committee vote is scheduled, but not guaranteed to occur, next Tuesday, July 28.

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