The Week Ahead
on Jun 22, 2008 at 12:00 am
With ten opinions remaining to be handed down, this week could well be the last before the Court recesses for the summer.
On Monday, the Court is scheduled to release at least one opinion, as well as orders from the Justices’ private conference last Thursday. (Click here for our list of petitions to watch from Thursday’s conference.)
If, as seems likely, not all of the ten remaining decisions are released on Monday, the Justices may schedule additional opinion days during the week, most likely Wednesday, Thursday, or both.
On each opinion day, we will provide instant coverage of all decisions via our LiveBlog.
No petitioners’ merits briefs are due this week. The respondent’s merits brief is due Monday in Waddington v. Sarausad (07-772). (Link directs to case page on SCOTUSwiki.)