DC v. Heller Round-Up

Not surprisingly, yesterday’s decision in DC v. Heller (07-290) has generated a lot of interest in both the media and legal blog communities. Below, we’ve linked to a number of the substantive articles and posts currently available.

Nina Totenberg’s coverage on NPR can be accessed here.

Lyle’s broadcast report for WBUR’s Here and Now program is available here.

The Washington Post’s in-depth coverage includes Robert Barnes’ summary of the decision and its implications, as well as this article by Dan Balz and Keith Richburg. Today’s Post also includes a piece on community reaction within the District, as well as this poll indicating that 70% of its readers agree with yesterday’s decision (as of 9:00 am). Monica Hesse offers this recap of the “duel” between yesterday’s majority opinion and dissent authors. Op-Ed columnist Colbert I. King offers this opinion piece, and columnist Marc Fisher provides his take in Raw Fisher.

In the New York Times, Andy Liptak provides this article, which includes a graphic representation of current gun laws across the nation. Linda Greenhouse’s article on the historic decision is here. The NYT also has this piece by Anahad O’Connor on the outrage expressed by the gun-control supporters.

Joan Biskupic’s coverage for USA Today is available here.

The Wall Street Journal’s Jess Bravin and Susan Davis offer this detailed article on the decision. Dan Slater and Ashby Jones are also blogging about the decision on the WSJ Law Blog.

Howard Bashman at How Appealing provides a link to yesterday’s PBS broadcast (audio and accompanying transcripts), which includes discussion of the decision and debate as to its effects.

In the BLT, Tony Mauro contributed a post entitled, “Scalia and Stevens Duke It Out.” Professor Solum has this analysis posted on the Legal Theory Blog, and the Constitutional Accountability Center offers its opinion here. Over at Balkinization, Sandy Levinson offers his initial thoughts on the decision here.

The Utube Blog has this interesting post linking the Heller decision and copyright regulations of speech technologies.

ACSBlog has posts by D.C.’s former Attorney General, UCLA law Professor Adam Winkler, and video of the discussion on the case at the National Convention.  ACSBlog also has a round-up of their pre-and post- decision resources, including an online debate between Professors Tushnet and Winkler.

FedSoc has posted this online debate with contributions by Carl Bogus, Ted Cruz, Nelson Lund and Adam Winkler.

Finally, as usual, Volokh Conspiracy has a number of insightful posts on the topic, including these by Eugene Volokh, Randy Barnett, Ilya Somin, Dale Carpenter, and Jim Lindgren.

Posted in: Everything Else