D.C. Guns Press Round-Up

Here’s a companion piece to Jason’s blog Round-Up; we’ve gathered together many of the news articles that cover the Court’s decision to grant cert. in the D.C. Guns case and included them below.

Robert Barnes’ Washington Post article not only offers the background of the case, but also considers what effects a Supreme Court decision might have on gun laws across the country. Linda Greenhouse’s piece for the New York Times, here, includes details on the plaintiff, Dick Heller, and a look at the re-worded question that the Justices will consider. The AP’s coverage, written by Mark Sherman, quotes an attorney for the DC residents, a vice president of the National Rifle Association, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, the president of the Brady Center and Georgetown law professor, Randy Barnett.

NPR legal correspondent Nina Totenberg covered the news for yesterday’s broadcast of All Things Considered. Listen to her piece here.

James Oliphant notes in his report for the Chicago Tribune that the Court’s decision “left gun-rights activists euphoric,” while “gun-control advocates were hardly cheered” by the news. Oliphant also puts a local spin on the news, discussing the possible effects of a Court ruling on Chicago. That city, too, has strict gun-control laws.

Additionally, David Savage’s LA Times coverage of the grant can be found here. Joan Biskupic reports on the news for USA Today. Jess Bravin’s piece for the Wall Street Journal can be accessed here.

Dahlia Lithwick’s Slate article comments that “the Supreme Court has been the Second Amendment’s Sleeping Beauty, snoozing it up for close to 70 years.”

The Washington Times’ editorial on the news is entitled “Tackling the Gun Debate Head-On.” The New York Times’ editors write that by granting cert yesterday, “the Supreme Court has inserted itself into a roiling public controversy with large ramifications for public safety.” The Baltimore Sun published two editorials on the news, found here and here.


Posted in: Everything Else