DC Guns Blog Round-Up

With so much commentary on the Court’s decision to grant cert. in the DC Guns case yesterday (DC v. Heller), we thought we’d do a blog Round-Up here on the main scroll. As always, additional links are updated throughout the day on the far right sidebar.

The Volokh Conspiracy had a number of posts on the case yesterday from its regular bloggers. Eugene Volokh weighed in here and here (linking to papers of his in this area), Orin Kerr wonders about Justice Kennedy and the Second Amendment here, and David Kopel offers up background information here. At Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds links to several posts and the comments of two Republican Presidential candidates in this post, and this morning he posted a podcast with Cato Institute senior fellow and “moving force behind the case” Bob Levy that can be heard here. The DailyKos posted this informational entry as the news broke yesterday, which then led to over 600 comments.

Meanwhile, Redstate.com had this post advocating for an individual rights view of the Amendment. At Balkinization, Jack Balkin asks “Has the Supreme Court Helped the Democrats?” Ann Althouse responds here, however, that Balkin is “missing something.” Finally, though it was written before the Court granted cert., this PrawfsBlawg post by Mike O’Shea analyzing the arguments made at the cert. stage has been cited a number of times in the last 24 hours.

Posted in: Everything Else