The Week Ahead
on Sep 24, 2007 at 2:06 pm
The Court today will hold the traditional September “long” conference, at which the Justices will consider the hundreds of cert petitions filed over the summer. (Click here for our post on “petitions to watch.”) On Tuesday morning, the Court will release an orders list consisting of any cases granted during today’s conference. Any other orders will be released the following week.
Wednesday is the deadline for detainees’ lawyers to respond to the government’s rehearing en banc request in Bismullah v. Gates and Parhat v. Gates, the Detainee Treatment Act cases on the D.C. Circuit’s scope of review of decisions of Combatant Status Review Tribunals at Guantanamo Bay. If en banc review is denied, the government has said it will appeal to the Supreme Court on an expedited basis.
On Thursday or Friday, David Stras will post an Academic Round-Up on the blog.
No top side briefs are due this week. Bottom side briefs are due today in Federal Express v. Holowecki (06-1322) and Ali v. Federal Bureau of Prisons (06-9130), and Friday in John R. Sand & Gravel Company v. United States (06-1164).