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In a Supreme Court Memo for the New York Times, Linda Greenhouse opines that “something changed irrevocably” after Chief Justice Roberts’ seizure Monday. In those moments, she notes, “he lost his privacy, and with it the aura of invincibility that came with his youthful good looks and spectacular career path.”

Denise Grady and Lawrence K. Altman detail potential courses of treatment for the Chief Justice, here, in the New York Times. The Washington Post has an article discussing the history of illnesses in Supreme Court Justices and the lack of formal structure for handling them when they arise. An editorial for the LA Times applauds the medical “transparency” surrounding Roberts’ fall and hopes that it will prove to be the new model for the Court.

Jesse J. Holland has this report on the House vote to reverse the Supreme Court’s decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear.

Ilya Somin offers this commentary on the end-of-term property rights decision in Wilkie v. Robbins.