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In the Legal Times, Tony Mauro has this article about happenings at the Court and the Clerk’s Office; Mauro’s latest Courtside column discussing the annual Supreme Court concert is here; in addition, Mauro has this post on judicial pay and “linkage” at The BLT.

This editorial in today’s Washington Post argues that the District of Columbia should appeal the D.C. Circuit Court ruling declaring the city’s handgun ban unconstitutional to the Supreme Court; The Washington Times has this editorial on D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty’s decision to pursue the case in the High Court.

Earlier this week, Arti Rati had this post at Balkinization on the Supreme Court’s increased interest in patent law. Today, Caron Carlson of Network World reports here on Vonage’s appeal in the patent infringement case brought against it by Verizon, which cites the Court’s April KSR v. Teleflex decision.