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Lyle Denniston has this post at Justice Talking’s new blog, “At the Court with Lyle Denniston,” discussing the Guantánamo detainees’ continuing legal battle and Justice Kennedy’s powerful vote. This editorial in today’s Washington Post discusses the habeas corpus appeal rights of the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. At Balkinization, Jonathan Hafetz has these thoughts on the Court’s refusal to hear the appeals.

AP writer Samantha Young reports here on the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA on California’s plans to set emissions standards; in the LA Times, Janet Wilson and Tim Reiterman have this article. In today’s Wall Street Journal, John J. Fialka has this report (subscription req’d) on states’ renewed efforts to strengthen controls on greenhouse gases as a result of Monday’s decision.

In the New York Times, Felicity Barringer and William Yardley have this article discussing the aftermath of the decision; Scott Malone reports here at Reuters on the likelihood of a national standard for carbon emissions and its impact on the auto industry. Reuters’s Chris Baltimore has this report on the President Bush’s response to the High Court ruling; Joel Havemann reports here in the LA Times; and the Energy Roundup has this post on Bush’s reaction.

Derrick Z. Jackson has this column in today’s Boston Globe on the Massachusetts v. EPA decision. At Slate, Christopher Beam gathers bloggers reaction to the ruling on greenhouse gases here. At Prometheus, Roger Pielke Jr. has this post on the decision, which points to a scientific error in Justice Stevens’s opinion (via Volokh Conspiracy). Tony Mauro reports here at The BLT on the Court’s decision and Justice Kennedy’s crucial vote.