Breaking News

Today at the Supreme Court: 11/27/06

The Court returns to the bench today as a new sitting begins at 10 AM eastern. The Court will first release an Orders List relating to its Conference of 11/21; we will bring you coverage of that as soon as it is released (our list of “petitions to watch” for Tuesday’s Conference is here).

The Court will then hear one hour of oral argument in Bell Atlantic v. Twombly (preview here) followed by one hour of argument in Ledbetter v. Goodyear (preview here). Transcripts of both arguments should be available sometime this afternoon.

Finally, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is considering a request by the New York Times to delay the compelled disclosure of reporters’ telephone records to federal investigators. Ginsburg may act alone on the stay application (06A525), or refer it to the full Court. For more on this matter, see our post here.