
on Oct 23, 2006 at 10:33 am
It’s now officially autumn, which means that the leaves are falling off the trees and law students all over the country (as well as recent grads) are securing judicial clerkships for next autumn. Congratulations to our past and present students on their upcoming clerkships:
John Bash (HLS 2006): Antonin Scalia (currently clerking for Brett Kavanaugh (CADC))
Eun Young Choi (HLS 2006): Reena Raggi (CA2)
Eric Feigin (SLS 2005): Stephen G. Breyer
Nat Garrett (SLS 2006): Charles Breyer (N.D. Cal.) (currently clerking for Ray Fisher (CA9))
Cody Harris (SLS 2007): David Tatel (CADC)
David Jang (SLS 2007): Sandra Lynch (CA1)
Jameson Jones (SLS 2007): Jeff Sutton (CA6)
Michael Kaufman (SLS 2007): Sid Thomas (CA9)
Rachel Kovner (SLS 2006): Antonin Scalia (currently clerking for J. Harvie Wilkinson)
Brian Love (SLS 2007): David Godbey (N.D. Tex.)
Kimberley Morris (SLS 2007): Margaret McKeown (CA9 2008-09)
David Moscowitz (SLS 2007): Sonia Sotomayor (CA2)
Lindsey Powell (SLS 2007): Merrick Garland (CADC)
Scott Reents (SLS 2007): Gerard Lynch (S.D.N.Y.)
Darien Shanske (SLS 2006): Pierre Leval (CA2)
Alixandra Smith (HLS 2005): Julio Fuentes (CA3)
Fred Smith (SLS 2007): Myron Thompson (M.D. Ala.)
Jason Tarricone (SLS 2006): Susan Illston (N.D. Cal.) (currently clerking for Sid Thomas (CA9))
David Thompson (SLS 2007): Alex Kozinski (CA9)
Rae Woods (SLS 2007): Harry Pregerson (CA9)
Congratulations are also due to Brian Fletcher (HLS 2006; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, OT2007), Stephen Shackleford (HLS 2005; Breyer, OT2006), Hashim Moopan (HLS 2005; Scalia, OT2006), Rob Yablon (YLS 2006; William Fletcher 2006-07), and Warren Postman (HLS 2007; William Fletcher 2007-08), all of whom worked at Akin Gump last summer.