Independence Day Blog Round-Up

Here are a few blog posts that may be worth a look over this Independence Day holiday:

The Georgetown Law Faculty Blog has been active lately, especially with commentary on Hamdan. Rosa Brooks has a post up about how that decision will affect prosecutions under the War Crimes Act, and Carlos Vazquez has a post called “Hamdan and the Geneva Conventions.” They can both be found here.

William Arkin of the Washington Post has an article about Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift, who was the military-appointed defense attorney for Salim Ahmed Hamdan. You can read it here.

Sandy Levinson has a post (here) at Balkinization considering the Congressional reaction to Hamdan entitled “Is Congress Autonomous?”

Edward B. Foley of Ohio State University has a comment here on why Justice Kennedy deserves praise for his opinion in the Texas redistricting case.

The WSJ Law Blog comments here on what it sees as the Supreme Court’s underwhelming record this term on the issue of patent law.

Finally, Sentencing Law and Policy has a post on what this term’s decisions meant for the current status of the death penalty here.

Posted in: Everything Else