Hamdan News Round-Up

Yesterday’s decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld has been a hot topic around the web and in print:

Linda Greenhouse has a general summary of the decision in the New York Times here, and the Guardian’s Susan Goldenberg has a wrap-up here.

As far as the reaction by various parties to Hamdan, the New York Times has an article here regarding the negotiations that are likely to ensue regarding the proper use of presidential power.

The L.A. Times has a piece here about how this decision has been affecting the military.

The Washington Post has a story (here) about what signals the Supreme Court is sending to the President regarding his governing philosophy more generally.

NPR has compiled a list of quotations from various politicians, lawyers, and military personnel here.

Slate has two different angles on what happened at the Court. Here, Dahlia Lithwick and Walter Dellinger continue their week-long conversation by talking about Hamdan. Meanwhile, Emily Bazelon has a piece (here) on what the Court’s decision has to say regarding the legislation that tried to strip it of jurisdiction in this case.

Finally, the editorial pages of the major newspapers were filled with their own reactions. The New York Times and the Washington Post, coincidentally, both caption their editorials “A Victory for the Rule of Law.” The Times’s take is here, and the Post’s take is here.

On the other side of the aisle, the Wall Street Journal ran an Op-Ed which calls the decision a “setback with a silver lining.” It can be found here, but a subscription is required.

Posted in: Everything Else