Blog Round-Up- Monday, March 20th
on Mar 20, 2006 at 12:00 pm
Here and here, Concurring Opinions has posts on Zacarias Moussaoui’s new filing before Judge Brinkema.
Also on Concurring Opinions is this post by Kaimipono D. Wenge titled, “Lawrence, FAIR, Scalia, and the “Homosexual Agenda”
Here is Jack Balkin on the Solomon Amendment case.
Here is the transcript of oral arguments in the Vermont Campaign Finance case and here is the transcript from the Texas Redistricting case.
Texas Rep. Mark Veasey has published this opinion piece in response to the Texas Redistricting case.
Here and here the Volokh Conspiracy has posts on Justice Ginsburg’s use of foreign law.
Sentencing Law & Policy has this extensive round-up of the latest Booker news.
As reported by Roll Call, Senator Frist has agreed to re-open debate on line item veto legislation.
Here is NPR’s recent coverage of Justice O’Connor’s remarks critical of conservative attacks on the Courts.
ACSBlog has this post titled, “Law School LGBT Student Groups from Across America React to FAIR Ruling” and this post titled, “Justice Souter’s Farmhouse Spared From Eminent Domain.”