Blog Round-Up – Wednesday, October 19th
on Oct 19, 2005 at 12:19 pm
On the Miers nomination:
Election Law Blog directs us to Miers’ trial testimony from the Dallas voting rights litigation.
The Volokh Conspiracy has this bit of trivia on President Bush’s plan for appointing judges.
Sentencing Law & Policy has this post on the underlying themes in Miers’ first answers to Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire.
ACSBlog reports on Miers and abortion here. PrawfsBlawg also discusses similar issues here.
Think Progress has this post on whether or not Miers opposes a right to contraception.
Balkinization discusses the Miers nomination in conjunction with “group think” here.
Ann Althouse has this post on being impressed by the fact that Harriet Miers was able to move into the managing partner position at a big law firm and spend a lot of time doing bar association work.
In other news:
Earlier this week the Yale Law Journal launched The Pocket Part, an online companion to the journal’s print edition. This month features articles and discussion on property law and federalism. The Volokh Conspiracy comments here and PrawfsBlawg here.
ACSBlog has this post on Attorney General Gonzales’s criticism of the use of international law in SCOTUS decisions. Yesterday, in a speech at George Mason University law school he stated, “Foreign judges and legislators are not accountable to the American people. If our courts rely on a foreign judge’s opinion or a foreign legislature’s enactment, then that foreign judge or legislature binds us on key constitutional issues.”
Tierney’s WeblAG has this post on the court’s decision to grant cert in three wetlands cases.