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Blog Round-Up – Wednesday, July 6th

Here is Orin Kerr discussing Professor Bill Stuntz’s piece in The New Republic (registration required) on judicial uses of power, his experience clerking for Justice Powell and thoughts on the tenure of Justice O’Connor.

Bill Patry has this post, on Justice O’Connor, discussing everything from the time she cooked him dinner, to her dissent in Kelo.

The First Amendment Center has just released this report on the latest round of debate over a flag burning Amendment.

Underneath Their Robes has several new posts up. One discusses Justice O’Connor’s real estate adventures and a potential nomination for Attorney General Gonzales. Another is a collection of the more bizarre searches, performed with Google, that brought web surfers to the blog.

Balkinization has this entry on a the journalist’s privilege, Branzburg and the Plame case. Balkinization also has this post by Daniel Solove titled, “The Supreme Court: Where is all the Power?”

Here is Edward Foley on Justice O’Connor and election law.