Blog Round-up – Thursday, July 7th
on Jul 7, 2005 at 4:02 pm
Balkinization has this entry on judicial activism. The Volokh Conspiracy also discusses judicial activism in this post by Randy Barnett.
The Volokh Conspiracy also has this entry on a website that is taking bets on whether or not the President will nominate a woman or minority to Justice O’Connor’s seat.
Underneath Their Robes has this post on why the Chief Justice might shortly announce his retirement. Election Law Blog has this post on why he should.
BlueMassGroup has a series of posts on the Miller case from a former O’Connor clerk.
PrawfsBlawg has this post on citations to foreign law, arguing that citing to foreign authority is hardly unprecedented and that such citation is both supportable under a number of theories of judging and rarely applied to constitutional interpretation. ACSBlog responds to PrawfsBlawg here.