Mega Group Blog on Gonzales v. Raich

on Jun 6, 2005 at 12:43 pm
We’re going to try an experiment here. Obviously, there is and will be a great deal of discussion of Raich in the blogosphere. For the sake of reader convenience, and in order to stimulate a wide-ranging discussion, we are going to host here a conversation among several of the principal constitutional law bloggers, along with other academic and practitioners who have been following and writing about Commerce Clause doctrine. Some of the participants may cross-post on their own blogs, which we encourage. We’re hoping that the conversation continues throughout the week, but if turns out to be shorter or longer than that, that’s fine, too.
Our conversants will likely include bloggers Ann Althouse, Jack Balkin, Orin Kerr, Larry Solum, Mark Tushnet and Eugene Volokh, along with possible occasional posts from me and Tom and Prof. David Barron, and a few others from whom we’re still waiting to hear. So far, the participants might skew a bit more to the dissenters’ view; but we’re hoping to achieve more balance before the day is out.
I’ll begin by posting some of the more interesting posts that our participants have thus far posted to their own blogs.