Congratulations to students

This week, we received favorable rulings in three cases on which we worked with students. So we want to send our congratulations.

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in Smith v. City of Jackson that the ADEA recognizes disparate impact claims. We did the case with the Stanford Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, in which we are instructors with Pam Karlan. Smith was the Clinic’s first cert. grant (of four in a row). The students on the team at the cert. stage were William Adams and Jen Thomas (who graduated last year) and Mike Abate. The opening merits brief was done over the summer, and Meaghan McLaine (having just graduated from Harvard) worked on the case. Mike Abate and Lee Reeves of Stanford then worked on the merits reply and argument prep.

On Monday, the Supreme Court denied cert. in two cases in which we worked with students on the brief in opposition. These were great cert. denials because both petitions seemingly had a very good chance of being granted. Pam Karlan led the team in No. 04-856, City of Evanston v. Franklin (a case involving the rights of government employees who invoke their right against self-incrimination). The Stanford students on the case were Mike Abate, Rachel Kovner, and Julia Lipez.

The Court also denied cert in No. 04-806, Arkansas v. Jolly (a Sixth Amendment speedy trial case), in which we did the brief in opposition with our winter term class at Harvard. The students on that team were Won Shin and Neel Sukhatme.

Three petitions for certiorari that we did with the students are now pending.

Posted in: Everything Else