The morning read for Wednesday, Feb. 9

on Feb 9, 2022 at 9:59 am

Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at roundup@scotusblog.com.
Here’s the Wednesday morning read:
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Defense of the Shadow Docket Is Alarming (Steve Vladeck, Slate)
- Potential Supreme Court nominee faces questions on religious rights case (Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)
- The Supreme Court may completely hollow out the Voting Rights Act by 2024 (Joan Biskupic, CNN)
- The Supreme Court Has Crossed the Rubicon (Linda Greenhouse, The New York Times)
- Racial Gerrymanders at the Supreme Court (Editorial, The Wall Street Journal)