SCOTUSblog is continuing our partnership with Casetext

on Jun 15, 2020 at 12:00 pm

I am excited to share that SCOTUSblog will continue to work with Casetext into the new Supreme Court term, to provide our readers access to court opinions, statutes and other primary legal content we cite in SCOTUSblog posts.
If you are a frequent reader of the blog, you are already familiar with Casetext.
Casetext challenges the industry’s idea of what great legal research can be. From the groundbreaking introduction of CARA A.I., the world’s first search-by-document legal research tool, to their affordable, transparent pricing, Casetext has become the best place to research the law online.
Thousands of small firms and solo attorneys rely on Casetext as their primary research provider. As someone who takes pride in great legal research, I love using Casetext for both their advanced tools and accessible design.
This past year, Casetext has taken a step beyond research with the introduction of Compose: litigation automation technology that assists you in writing a better brief in less time. Compose provides the most enjoyable, thorough brief-drafting experience I have encountered. One notable new feature, Parallel Search, allows attorneys to discover relevant case law in seconds just by entering a plain English sentence related to the legal standard they are looking for.
Casetext also shares our vision. It was one of the first companies to make many court opinions free to the public, aligning their business with developing new and groundbreaking technology to help lawyers provide faster, better service for clients.
Beyond access to the full text of any case or legal authority, you can also access premium CLE content from their stellar team and other practical resources for litigators published periodically through our partnership. Learn more at
At this time in history, it is critically important that we have good lawyers, equipped with quality practice tools. At SCOTUSblog, we aim to educate the legal community and the public about the critical issues addressed by the Supreme Court. Providing access to the law itself is crucial to achieving that mission, and we are excited to continue our partnership with Casetext to make that possible.
Casetext is working to advance justice for everyone by empowering attorneys to provide high-quality, efficient and affordable representation. By providing the most advanced search technology in an easy-to-use, affordable format — not only to the biggest national law firms but also to solo practitioners, public interest lawyers and pro se litigants — Casetext ensures that all attorneys have access to world class resources.