Wednesday round-up

on Dec 30, 2015 at 7:01 am
- At Constitution Daily, Lyle Denniston “looks at the Justice Department’s stance on Puerto Rico’s sovereignty, which will get tested twice in the Supreme Court this year.”
- In the Los Angeles Times, David Savage reports that, as “the nation heads into a presidential election year, the Supreme Court is set to decide half a dozen politically charged cases in 2016 on such topics as abortion, affirmative action, contraceptives and immigration.”
- At Bloomberg BNA (video; subscription or registration may be required), Kimberly Robinson discusses why it is already too late to file a petition that, if granted, could be argued and decided this year.
- At Hamilton and Griffin on Rights, Jeffrey Stempel continues his analysis of Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt, concluding that it is “a hard case that may or may not result in bad law – depending on what one views as bad law.”