Thursday round-up

on May 16, 2013 at 9:52 am
- Andrew Cohen at The Atlantic reports on how Angelina Jolie’s decision to be tested for a gene mutation that indicates an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers and undergo a preventative double mastectomy has drawn renewed attention to Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, in which the Court will decide whether human genes are patentable. At USA Today, Richard Wolf notes the story’s potential influence on the Court and observes that although it is “not clear the justices can be swayed by developments that don’t change the legal questions before them . . . it is clear is that [they] take note of current events, often commenting on them in their remarks and opinions.”
- Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports on the Court’s unanimous decision in Bowman v. Monsanto Co., in which the Court held that the doctrine of patent exhaustion does not allow a farmer to reproduce patented seeds through planting and harvesting without the patent holder’s permission.
- At Cato at Liberty, Ilya Schapiro and Trevor Burrus discuss the arguments that they make in their amicus brief in Bond v. United States, a case involving a criminal prosecution under the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act that is scheduled for oral argument in October.
- With the Court expected to issue several major decisions next month, Public Policy Polling published the results of its survey exploring “what Americans think about the body as a whole and each of its members individually.”
If you have (or know of) a recent article or post that you would like to have included in the round-up, please send a link to roundup [at] so that we can consider it.