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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma v. McCraw

Petition for certiorari denied on March 29, 2021
Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
20-1049 10th Cir. N/A N/A N/A N/A OT 2020

Issues: (1) Whether the risk of death or serious bodily injury to a pedestrian sitting, standing or staying on a median in a street with a speed limit of 40 miles per hour or more constitutes a significant government interest in protecting the health and safety of pedestrians even though a pedestrian death has yet to occur; and (2) whether McCullen v. Coakley dictates that the government must, in all cases, present evidence that it actually tried and failed to utilize less burdensome alternatives, even when, considering the nature of the articulated safety interest and the scope of the ordinance, less burdensome alternatives do not exist.

SCOTUSblog Coverage

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
Jan 27 2021Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 3, 2021)
Feb 26 2021Waiver of right of respondent Calvin McCraw, et al. to respond filed.
Mar 10 2021DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 3/26/2021.
Mar 29 2021Petition DENIED.