Breaking News

Alaska Oil and Gas Association v. Ross

Petition for certiorari denied on January 22, 2018

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Docket No. Op. Below Argument Opinion Vote Author Term
17-133 9th Cir. N/A N/A N/A N/A OT 2017

Issue: Whether, when the government determines that a species that is not presently endangered will lose its habitat due to climate change by the end of the century, the National Marine Fisheries Services may list that species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

SCOTUSblog Coverage

DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)
May 11 2017Application (16A1105) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from May 23, 2017 to July 22, 2017, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
May 12 2017Application (16A1105) granted by Justice Kennedy extending the time to file until July 22, 2017.
Jul 21 2017Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due August 28, 2017)
Aug 18 2017Order extending time to file response to petition to and including September 27, 2017, for all respondents.
Aug 21 2017Brief amici curiae of Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc., et al. filed. VIDED.
Sep 22 2017Order further extending time to file response to petition to and including October 27, 2017, for all respondents.
Oct 26 2017Order further extending time to file response to petition to and including November 27, 2017, for all respondents.
Oct 27 2017Brief of respondent Center for Biological Diversity in opposition filed. VIDED.
Nov 27 2017Brief of Federal Respondents in opposition filed. VIDED.
Dec 13 2017DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/5/2018.
Dec 13 2017Reply of petitioners Alaska Oil and Gas Association, et al. filed. (Distributed)
Jan 04 2018Rescheduled.
Jan 08 2018DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/12/2018.
Jan 10 2018Rescheduled.
Jan 16 2018DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/19/2018.
Jan 22 2018Petition DENIED.