Our plan for the health care decision day

on Jun 1, 2012 at 11:56 am
We have put a special plan in place for the day that the Court decides the health care cases. We’ll put this plan into effect on every opinion day for the last two weeks of June; if the health care decisions are not released on a particular day, we’ll revert to our ordinary operations.
To accommodate high traffic to the blog on decision days for the last two weeks of June, we will be temporarily adopting a new format. When you visit scotusblog.com, you will be directed straight to the live blog rather than our homepage. When the Court announces the opinion in the health care cases, the live blog will remain active for several hours. We will link to all of our initial reporting and analysis of the opinion, as well as an ongoing round-up of coverage by other news outlets, on the live blog. That way you won’t have to refresh the page, and the blog won’t crash from the traffic we receive.
On the day of the opinion, Tom and Lyle will be present at the Court and will break the news in the live blog. Following the initial announcement, we will also be posting detailed analysis of the opinion, including analysis “In Plain English,” as well posting as key excerpts from the opinion itself. The blog will also be hosting a webinar with Kaiser Health News at four o’clock on the afternoon of the opinion announcement (more information will be available soon) and an immediate online symposium, which will continue for several days after the opinion is released. A list of the contributors is below the jump.
Confirmed contributors to our symposium on the decisions:
Jonathan Adler – Case Western Law School
Robert Alt – Heritage Foundation
Randy Barnett – Georgetown Law Center
David Bernstein – George Mason School of Law
Erwin Chemerinsky – University of California, Irvine School of Law
Richard Epstein – New York University Law School
David Kopel – Independence Institute
Gillian Metzger – Columbia Law School
Alan Morrison – George Washington Law School
Clark Neily – Institute for Justice
Ilya Shapiro – Cato Institute
Ilya Somin – George Mason School of Law
Laurence Tribe – Harvard Law School
Adam Winkler – University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Elizabeth Wydra – Constitutional Accountability Center